Saturday, November 3, 2012

I saw great improvement from the beginning of the year, especially from last year. My shading skills have definitely improved as well as my collage making ability. Now that i got the hang of the book page making, I have a different interpretation on how to make the pages. I learned to make the colors a lot less brighter because when i drew on top of the color last year, you could barely see the drawing. For the collage, I learned to just let my mind run free and not have a specific plan on what the final product will look like. Last year, my collage pieces were placed in specific places with nothing on top. This year, i put layer on top of layer and found the collage looking 10 times better.  I am definitely liking this year more so far because I've learned so many good and better techniques and how to improve my art skills. I hope to keep learning and improving my skills.

Shoe Drawing

The shoe drawing project was probally my favorite project so far. I enjoy drawing the most out of all the different art activities. For my shoe drawing, I started off with just the pencil drawing on the right, but the rest of the page looked rather boring. I then chose to draw the same shoe, but in a different positon and this time in color. This drawing is not going into my coptic book, but will most likely be its own final piece. My next challenge is to decide what the background will be and how to bring the picture together as a whole.

Next President Collage

As you all know, election day is this Tuesday. Since most of my class mates and I cannot vote yet, we had the opportunity to express our opinions in a collage. This project could either be based on either president and his look on an important subject or the subject as a whole. In my collage, I chose Mitt Romney and his out look on the economy. Romney stated that he wanted to created more jobs for people, but have them environmental safe also. To make this collage, I started off with a white piece of paper and drew an outline of Romney. I the layed down newspaper, tissue paper, modeling paste, gloss medium, and drew footprints on the outside of the Romney face. As for the face, i included pictures of money, job articles, and people comming together as a whole to help eachother out economically. I enjoyed this project and saw an improvement
from last years collage and this years.

Monday, September 10, 2012

I'm back! My sophmore year has now began and I am back for my second art class. Last year was a blast and im looking forward for more exciting projects. Throughout this year, my goal is to try new technics and to try to improve my art.I will try to look at things in a different prospective and to acumulate my outside world into my art. I hope to see improvement in my drawings and other projects there are to come. I'm excited to make a coptic book this year since I made a circle book last year. I can't wait to hear the projects we're doing and i hope to repeat the ceramics project this year.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012


although it is only my freshman year and my first real art class, i have enjoyed the journey so far. im looking forward to new and exciting projects in the years to come. my favorite assignment was probally the ceramics. we got to make a bowl,cup,and plate to represent someone. i chose my aunt. she has inspired me my whole life to keep doing what i dream to. this art class has taught me to look at things from different prospectives and to interpret things different, but at the same time, be myself. im looking forward to next year and what it has to bring, but so far it has been a blast.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

ceramics in process

for the past couple of weeks, we have been learning ceramics. our task is to create a functional plate, bowl, and cup to represent someone we would like to eat lunch with. i chose my aunt. she is a teacher and loves to sew, so i created a plate that has a ball of yarn and needles on it. i am currently working on an apple as my bowl. i put two bowls together by slipping and scoring them, the i cut out a hole so you can eat out of it. my next step will be adding a stem leaf and worm to make it more realistic. my cup with be a spool of thread. when all my pieces are fired(hopefully they wont blowup!), i will glaze them. this gives them the color and look to make my final piece look exciting:)

finished metal work

20 some odd students sawing away on pieces of metal is not the best sound you want to hear at 11 o'clock in the mourning. copper, silver, and bronze are the metals we used. after drawing out my future metal piece, i quickly got to work. sawing away for about a week or two was tiring, but once the metal pieces were cut out, i began to sodder and oxidize( creates a funky designing)my object.  i then put my metal on top of the firing station where i used a tool to melt the metals together. when it was all melted together, i placed my finished piece in a watery substance to give it color. this was my outcome:

Friday, January 20, 2012

self portrait

Snap. The first, and certaintley the most important step in completing a self portrait of yourself is a picture to look off of. Once my sketch was on my large piece of paper, I could start my color study. A color study is to figure out what color suits you and looks best with your portrait. I chose a turquise color. Mixing in black or white, make shadows and imprints stand out. When I first heard about this project, I was kind of nervous, I have never painted into detail like this before. When I was done, this project turned out to be one of my favorites, and I would love to do it again.

miniature metal panel

Our latest project was creating a miniature metal panel. First we started out by sketching out a design. Then, testing how it would look with pieces of paper. Once the design satisfied you, you began cutting metal. So far I have cut out 2 of my 4 shapes i need to put together my design. The experience is fun and unique. I have never done nor seen a project like this. To cut the metal, you use a saw blade. It's about the size of a strand of hair. Bronze, copper, and silver metal, pointy edges and smooth, everyone's panel looks unique in their own way. There are several ways to create a metal panel. My panel consists of two star shaped pieces, bow tie looking shape, and a circle that will soon be turned into a dome shaped figure. No matter how sore your arms get from sawing, it will be worth it in the end.

i.d.entity collage

My art teacher introduced us to a collage. I have never really made one before, but always wanted to. My collage represents me and who i am. On my collage, are pictures of me and what i enjoy the most; soccer. I love playing soccer and it shows who i really am. The whole collage experience has been great, and I'd love to make another. My collage was made from sculpting glue, paint, and printed out pictures of not just me, but the sport, soccer, itself. Another task that went along with this project was creating a loon about the collage you have made and the meaning behind it. It's simple, but tricky to put together. My loon:
Powerful, bold, scrappy
dreams and goals put together
all around success

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Andy Warhol always changed the colors of people as his paintings. i like how he is unique and has his own way of artistry.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Andy warhol

Andy warhol was born in 1928 in Pittsburg. When he was just 13 years old, his father had died tragically. He developed an early talent in drawing and painting. At first, his name was Andrew Warhola, but when his drawings were being completed and famous he went by the name Andy Warhol. Andy mostly used the printing technique called silkscreen. In 1949, Warhol graduated from New York college. In 1968, he got shot by a woman two to three times in the cheat. He didn't die, but he had to wear a bandage around her waist for the rest of his life. Andy Warhol loved cats and he showed it in his paintings. On Febuary 22nd, 1987 Andy had passed away. A short two years later, an art museum opened in memory of him. His art inspired many people and still to this day, his drawings are famous and known very well.